Saturday, January 12, 2008

Moving from ENTJ to INTJ...

Two thoughts popped into my head this weekend.

First, I absolutely loved Thursday. I drove with a coworker up to our Seattle office to spend most of the day with our team who supports web applications infrastructure. We are building out a series of new environments at work to gain more releases per year. But, I digress, the best part of Thursday was the single task. I realized that for the first time in for ever I went to work and spent the entire day focused on one important item. It was pure bliss. I was creative, focused, and generated some strategic thinking at the white board. I wanted to high five myself when it was all over.

Second, Thursday made me realize that 2007 was made up of a series of days running like a washing machine. Each day full of tasks, where I get to spend only an hour focused on designing the right thing. Perhaps with 1-5 interruptions going on. Instant messages, phone calls, emails, people dropping by... sigh.

So, with my GTD focus this year. I am aiming to cleanse my mind of future tasks and get focused on being strategic again. I want to spend less time being so damn "E" and spend a bunch more time being "I". Sorry, career ambitions and ego. It is time to jump out of the spotlight and do some creative work.

In that, I suspect I can find my zen.

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