Thursday, January 24, 2008

Can Google Health synthesize information from all the data it will collect? (529)

Google Health

Today I noticed that Google Health is online. I am sure many of us in the health care industry are watching what Google will do in this space. Information mining and management is becoming one of the key differentiators in healthcare delivery. Folks who consume healthcare services (myself included) what to know more about their doctors, costs and medical records then ever before. Plus, there is the entire space dedicated to mining all that information and providing preventative care back to the healthcare consumer now rather then when they get sick. Google, looks like it is entering the information gathering business. But the real question is will it be able to synthesize “information” from all the “data”.

With Google Health, you can:
* Build online health profiles that belong to you
* Download medical records from doctors and pharmacies
* Get personalized health guidance and relevant news
* Find qualified doctors and connect to time-saving services
* Share selected information with family or caregivers

[From Google Reader (529)]

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