Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Online Money Management with Mint > Spending TrendsIf you haven't yet tried out the online application called Mint then this might be the time to give it a whirl. If you are someone who tried out the application in the early days I would recommend heading back to try it again. Things have really improved especially in the last 24 hours. The mint folks have released a significant update to the "Spending Trends" application with a few really great improvements:

  • With the latest adobe flash updates installed on my Mac I can drill into the spending trends charts without any problem.
  • Things are really stable now in Safari and especially WebKit (the nightly builds).
  • The spending trends view now shows you how your spending on a particular category compare to the US, a state or even your city. This is especially handy to understand if you are spending less or more then the rest of the folks around you. One feature that would be nice is a setting on the size of your family so when you were comparing it would compare apples with apples. For example, I don't know whether to feel bad about my grocery or healthcare spend as I have 4 people in my family. Are the rest of the mint users single hipsters?

None the less, nice job mint guys. Keep the great features coming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey thanks for the review, I'm glad you like the new feature. I hear you on the apples to apples issue. At the moment we don't ask for anything personal at all, hence the vanilla geographic data– but these types of comparisons are in our pipeline. Definitely don't feel too bad. :-) Our audience skews younger and single-er.

Jason M. Putorti
Lead Designer,